“Pretty Little Liars” was the TV show that got me hooked to fashion. Each of the liars have there own separate personalities, and there styles mirror that. While my personal favorite PLL style would be Aria, I can’t help but admit that Hanna is a close second with her glamorous style which can be described as endless femininity with a small touch of masculine energy.
This look would be more appropriate for post season-3 Hanna. While Hanna has always stayed true to her aesthetic, it seems that following her hair cut her style has become a little more dark and edgy. For my look, I paired a black peplum tuxedo blazer with a cream colored bustier and tribal mini skirt. I also accessorized this look with a layered necklace and a pair of cute, gem earrings. Finally a pair of sky-high black heels, a nude gloss, strong eyeliner and a bold nail color finishes this look off.
Hanna loves to mix masculine pieces, such as structured blazers, with more feminine skirts and heels. She feels that “school is her runway” in the words of College Fashion and will strut her way on to 5th period Chemistry class. I think that this look will make any girl look utterly fabulous on her way to school.
<3 Naa
Love this! Where is the skirt from?
Thank you so much! And the skirt is from pull and bear and you can get it at Pull and Bear for only 7.99 euros!
Delete<3 Naa