Saturday, September 21, 2013

Trend Thursday: Leather Trim and Colorful Smokey Eyes

Hello Everyone!!!!

Happy Thursday LOL! Ok, now I know that it is actually Saturday, however, last night I had this great idea of posting weekly posts about fashion and beauty trends that I have been loving throughout this week. I wanted the posts to be on Thursdays, but I had been so concentrated on beauty products this weeks that I had no time. So following this week, I will be having weekly (on Thursday) review on these trends. Now to the reviews:

I have been in love with leather trim this entire week! I believe that all women have an inner tough personality, and leather is the perfect way to express it. However, sometimes a pure leather ensemble can come off a bit biker and dominatrix-esque, so leather trim is the perfect medium. This picture shows different ways to rock this look.

I have never been into the super dark smokey look, however, a pop of color has always made me smile. The colorful smokey look allows the wear to have a sexy glance without looking either messy or overly grungy. Kristen Stewart is a perfect example of someone who can rock this look. The Smoked Palette is the perfect palette for these looks!!!

<3 Naa


  1. Leather anything is hot right now, love your post

  2. thanks for your IFB message! Following you now.

    1. No problem, I love meeting other bloggers and I love your blog!

      <3 Naa

  3. colorful smoky eyes is a great idea!

    1. Thank you! I just love the pop of color in the eyes.

      <3 Naa

  4. Love the leather so much! I just recently bought leggings with leather in different designs on them, I love it :) and your post is really well written too by the way!

    <3 CC

    1. Thank you so much CC! Rock those leather leggings :)

      <3 Naa
